Wintery Day at Sea

Cabin fever will do that to a man, make him crazy I mean. I've been cooped up indoors too long with the bad weather. Dave B. agreed to join me for the day. He too is hard core about fishing and needed to get out and smell the salt!
We left this morning with temperature hovering at 36 and the skies threatening rain. The wind was fairly light but the weatherman promised that would change as the sun rose further in the sky and it did.
We anchored up about 8 miles off shore and started catching fish right away. First just some small Black Sea Bass, then some bigger ones. Pretty soon we were stacking up 15 inch plus black bass in the cooler.

Now the sharks show up. We noticed the creature had shark escorts when we brought him boat side and they decided to stay. So Dave says, rig me up the "big gun" as he prepares some bait. I get out the Penn 6/0 which is mounted on a broom stick pole and tie it off with a double swivel and a pair of 9/0 heavy duty hooks. Dave baits up, drops down and Wham - hooked up. Small dogfish shark, ugh. He baits up again and drops down. He keeps feeling something "big" knock his bait but can't get it hooked up.
Finally he checks his bait and he has two LARGE black bass on, one has been partially shredded by a shark. "OK - I'm gonna get 'em this time" he says. Baits up, drops down and pretty soon I hear a big grunt and then "gottcha!" coming from him. Tugging and pulling up comes not one but 2 large dogfish sharks. Hmmm.
The rain is falling now and the wind is howling in my ears (literally). So we do inventory: Raining, cold, dogfish everywhere, cooler of nice black sea bass = time to go home.
We only fished a couple of hours but it cured the cabin fever and felt good to taste the salty water on my mustache again.
Man I love this place!