Fishing Trip - June 10, 2006

NOAA weather outlook for today was 3-4' waves with 10-15K winds. So I decided to leave early to do some Cobia fishing first then head out and troll for King Macks. The weather man was right and it even laid down some as the day went on. Nice and sunny too!
My buddy and I got to AR364 by 6:30 after getting plenty of live menhaden for bait. We put out the chum bag and a bottle of menhaden milk, then deployed the cobia rigs, bottom and float types. We also put a few carolina rigs out for flounder and then did some vertical jigging.
After several hours we had no cobia, 4 sharks and a nice size blue. Time to move on. We headed out to sveral spots and trolled for kings. Caught one small one. Headed in to near the beach and pulled clark spoons. We found plenty of Spanish and a few blues. We caught about 10 but only kept 5 for dinner.
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