Fishing Trip - Nov 4, 2006
I had planned to King Mackerel fish today in my fishing club's monthly inner-club tourney. I made it three miles out of the inlet when I hit a pair of 6 footers mixed in with the 4's. I said one more of those and I'm turning back. 30 seconds later I was doing a 180 and heading back for the inlet. Weather man missed it again.
But of course I had my trout/flounder gear with me too. I headed to one of my favorite spots for mid tide, strong current (with an almost full moon, mid tide was producing some white water rafting style currents). It's a nice little area with some V shaped sand bars that cause slow eddy currents, something trout just love.
I caught 4 keepers but only keep the 2 biggest, one 17 3/4" and the other over 16".

Then I went to our club meeting and ate steamed oysters till I about popped. These were also Stump Sound salties. The guys down here are having a great start to the season!
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