Trip report - Dec 28, 2006
The weatherman forecast 2 foot seas and a light wind with sunny skies, perfect for a December run out to grouper fish. I linked up with Johnny B & and Scott K, a new friend. We headed out at first light. We took Johnny's 21' Mako and headed to a spot called Snapper ledges.
It is 36 nautical miles from New Topsail Inlet. We cruised at 28-30 knots most of the way and arrived in about 90 minutes. We dropped some chunk baits and cigar minnows to the bottom and hooked up pretty quick. We caught 5 red grouper but only 3 were legal size. We also caught some nice sized black bass, white grunts and a gray snapper. The wind & seas did pick up some out that far but still it was manageble. It was very flat once we reached 15 miles of the coast. We did a little more bottom fishing on the way in and reached the ramp right about 4PM.

Great day on the water with good weather, new friends and fish in the box!
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